Everyone, everyday...

100% Aussie Made and Grown, most potent natural antioxidants from Aussie Apples! Join thousands of everyday Aussies who make our products part of their healthy daily routine.

How one man helped rescue Australia's apple industry

When Dr Vincent was researching how to extract potent antioxidants called phenolics from apples, he didn’t know he was going to create a whole new industry for Australia’s apple growers and become one of the largest purchasers of apples in the country.

Antioxidant supplements scale-up

A University of Newcastle scientist, whose PhD unlocked the secret to extracting potent 'activated phenolic' antioxidants from apples, is now entering a new stage of his Australian business journey.

Doctor reveals this secret trick to beating jet lag

Jet lag – is pantry staple the key?

Snooze news: a 10-part recipe for better sleep

Dr Vincent shares his top 10 tips for a better night sleep.

Dr Vincent knows the secret, and he’s turned his own scientific discovery into a life-changing product range to fight inflammation.

He joined the First Act podcast to share how leading with his heart has taken him from research scientist to successful entrepreneur.